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This 2020 Webs wesbite is built from the template. Every site is built from this same template, created by ourselves. This keeps the costs down for these designs, so we can offer them for €195 and makes the build time much shorter (usually within 2 weeks).

Fully Responsive Websites from €100

With the addition of different images relating to your business type, your business logo, your text content regarding your services, prices etc. and colour changes make each new site fresh and unique. If you want something more from your website and for a bigger budget, fire over to Tatey Bred and have a look there.

Budget Web Design for Small Businesses

So what now?

These sites suit any small business looking for a website on a tight budget: Cafes, bars, restaurants, cleaners, mobile services, beauty salon, haridressers, shops - you name it, we can do it! Where are you based? It doesn't matter! Everything can be organised online so you can be anywhere in the world, we can still supply your new site.

Need more? No probs, we can add a 2nd language for you, create a facebook page if you need one and add a domain specific email address if required (€195 sites come with a generic email setup eg. yourcompany@gmail.com / hotmail.com / mail.com etc.)

Contact us now

Webistes Lanzarote, Spain, Europe